TrafficonLine Comfort

Automatic (hands-free) door opening with multi-beam, self-learning sensor- TraffiConLine Comfort ensures precise comfort-door sensors for bus & railway and optimizes the passenger flow.

The TrafficonLine Comfort Sensor combines the highest precision with a special focus on comfort. It was developed to make passenger changes more efficient by enabling smooth and quick hands-free door opening.

 The TrafficonLine Comfort is ideal for operators who want to optimize both safety and efficiency in their fleet while enabling barrier-free boarding.


At a glance

Advantages of the Trafficonseries

The Trafficonseries stands for intelligent sensor technology that increases both safety and comfort in public transport.

Contactless opening of the door from the outside
More efficient passenger switching
Comfortable entry and exit
Barrier-free entrance
Fulfillment of all legal standards and guidelines
Self-learning: Adaptation to weather and environment